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Monday, November 28, 2011

Excel 2010 – Chapter 01–A–Introducing Excel 2010

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Excel is Microsoft's premier Spreadsheet software and is part of the Microsoft Office Suite. It is the world’s most widely used Spreadsheet program. Even though we have other Spreadsheet programs, Excel is by far the most popular and has become the world standard.

It’s good to know a little bit of History about excel. Excel 2010 does not mean that it’s the 2010th version. Though, this is actually Excel version 14. But to be precise, Excel 2010 is the eleventh release of Excel for Windows. In-fact the first version of Excel was only for Macintosh machines. And they did not release Excel version 6, since Microsoft felt that the changes that they made were so much that it would be appropriate to jump two version numbers. They did not release Excel version 13 being a bit superstitious of number 13 being a bad luck number.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

C# 4.0 – Ch:02:F – Adding Projects to Solution

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...continued from article "C# 4.0 – Ch:02:E – Projects & Solutions : Continued

In the previous article, I explained while speaking about Solutions, I had mentioned that “a Solution is the set of all the projects that make up a particular software package”. Not only the projects that belong to a software package, but you can have projects even though they do not belong to the project.

In this article, let us look at adding additional projects to a Solution. Just to show you that we can add a project even though they do not belong to the project, let us use a “Windows Forms” project to our Demo1 solution.

Adding Projects to Solution

Monday, August 29, 2011

C# 4.0 – Ch:02:E – Projects & Solutions : Continued

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...continued from article "C# 4.0 – Ch:02:D – Projects & Solutions

In the previous article, I stopped with AssemblyInfo.cs file under the Properties folder. In this article, I will continue with the References folder.

Check out the image below, where in all the folders are expanded and you can see a list of files under the References folder.


Under the folder “References”, you will find all the libraries that are referenced automatically for us by Visual Studio. Though not all assemblies that are referenced are necessary for the project we developed, Visual Studio references the most common assemblies that are used while developing a Console based application.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

C# 4.0 – Ch:02:D – Projects & Solutions

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...continued from article "C# 4.0 – Ch:02:C – Hello C# World Up-Close : Continued

In our previous article, we finished with the dissection of the code in Program.cs file.  But, that does not mean that we looked at everything. Visual Studio just did not create the template code for us in the file Program.cs, but it did a lot of work for us.


Take a look at the above image of the “Solution Explorer”. If you have not changed any of the default settings in your Visual Studio, you will probably find the “Solution Explorer” at the top-right corner of your Visual Studio. If you don’t find it there, there is no need to worry about, just go to the View menu and select Solution Explorer.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

C# 4.0 – Ch:02:C – Hello C# World Up-Close : Continued

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...continued from article "C# 4.0 – Ch:02:B – Hello C# World Up-Close

In our previous article, we created finished with namespaces. Let us continue with our dissection of the code we wrote in the previous article.

The namespace is followed by an open brace ({) and closed with a closing brace (}) and all the code goes in between these two braces. As I have mentioned earlier, C# uses braces to denote a block, where in everything inside these braces that follow the namespace will be a part of the Demo1 namespace.

Namespaces contain types and the code that follows immediately after the opening brace in our code defines a type.

namespace Demo1
    class Program

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

C# 4.0 – Ch:02:B – Hello C# World Up-close

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...continued from article C# 4.0 – Ch:02:A – Language Basics

In our previous article, we created our first C#.NET program, executed it and enjoyed seeing out first program showing the results. But, we never got into the details of what was happening. In this article, let’s look at the code and Dissect it since these are the things you’ll deal with every time you write programs in C#.

Before getting into the code, let’s look at a few general notes about C# syntax. This list does mean everything and just represent few tips. I will continue to cover them as we use them in the coming articles.

  • In C#, as in other C style languages, most statements end in a semicolon ( ; ) and can carry on over multiple lines without needing a continuation character as in other languages such as Visual Basic.
  • Multiple statements can be joined into blocks using curly braces ( {…} ).
  • Single line comments begin with two forward slash characters ( // ), and multiline comments begin with a slash and an asterisk ( /* ) and end with the same combination reversed ( */ ).
  • C# is case sensitive, which means that variables named myVar and myvar are two different variables.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Adobe Edge Preview – Introduction

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Adobe® Edge is a new web motion and interaction design tool that allows designers to bring animated content to websites, using web standards like HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3.

This is an early look at Edge with more capabilities to come in the future releases. Edge will be updated regularly to add new functionality, stay ahead of evolving web standards, and incorporate user feedback to provide the best functionality and experience possible.

Edge Preview Highlights

This version of Edge focuses primarily on adding rich motion design to new or existing HTML projects, that runs beautifully on devices and desktops.

C# 4.0 – Ch:02:A – Language Basics

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…. continued from previous article “C# 4.0 – Ch:01:E – Assemblies

First program in C#.NET 4.0

In this chapter, we shall start with writing our first program in C#.NET 4.0.

In this tutorial, we will be working in Visual Studio 2010. Visual Studio 2010 is a fully integrated development environment from Microsoft, designed to make the process of writing code, debugging it and compiling it to an assembly to be shipped as easy as possible. Though there are other ways to build C# programs, but Visual Studio is the most widely used and it’s also freely available as an express edition, so we’ll stick with that.

Note: If you don’t have Visual Studio, you can download the free Express edition from

I am going to keep this article as simple as possible. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to use Visual Studio 2010 or the Express edition. Though I am not going to cover Visual Studio in detail in this tutorial, I will explain the important features and how to make use of them as we progress through this article. For now, all you need to do is try it out as explained below without worrying about the details.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

C# 4.0 – Ch:01:E – Assemblies

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…previous article “C# 4.0 – Ch:01:D – Garbage Collector & Security in .NET

What are assemblies?

An assembly is the .NET term for a deployment and configuration unit, which contains compiled code targeted at the .NET Framework and can be either an EXE or a DLL. For both EXE and DLL (executable code and library code), same assembly structure is used. The only real difference is that, while an EXE contains a main program entry point, a DLL does not.

Assemblies are logical rather than a physical unit, which means that it can be stored across more than one file. If an assembly is stored in more than one file, there will be one main file that contains the entry point and describes the other files in the assembly.

C# 4.0 – Ch:01:D – Garbage Collector & Security in .NET

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….continued from “C# 4.0 – Ch:01:C – Language Interoperability

Garbage Collector (GC)

All .NET programs that run in a managed environment is provided automatic memory management by the .NET CLR. However, to take proper advantage of this automatic memory management requires you to have an overview of the .NET memory management environment. In this chapter, I’ll explain how the automatic memory management in the CLR works.

The Garbage Collector (GC) is .NET ’ s answer to memory management. The GC manages the memory in managed code for you. The purpose of GC is to clean up memory.

C# 4.0 – Ch:01:C – Language Interoperability

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…continued from previous article “C# 4.0 – Ch:01:B – Close-up with .NET

Language Interoperability

When we say Language Interoperability, what we really mean by this is that classes written in one language are able to talk directly to classes written in another language. To be more specific we can say that:

  • A class written in one language can be inherited by a class written in another language.
  • Irrespective of the language used, a class can have instances of other classes that have been written in one or more languages as per my previous point.
  • An object written in one language can directly call and make use of methods or properties from another object written in another language.
  • Objects written in different languages can be passed as arguments and return values irrespective of the language the code is written.
  • C# 4.0 – Ch:01:B – Close-up with .NET

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    …continued from previous article “C# 4.0 – Ch:01:A – Introduction
    In this chapter, I am going to get close-up with .NET. Let us look at some of the features that it provides us.

    Object Orientation

    .NET supports object-oriented programming, with single implementation inheritance of classes and includes encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

  • Encapsulation means that a group of related properties, methods, and other members are treated as a single unit or object.
  • Inheritance describes the ability to create new classes based on an existing class.
  • Polymorphism means that you can have multiple classes that can be used interchangeably, even though each class implements the same properties or methods in different ways.
  • C# 4.0 – Ch:01:A – Introduction

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    C#—pronounced “See Sharp”—is a programming language designed for Microsoft’s .NET platform. C# is a general-purpose, type-safe, object-oriented programming language. The chief architect of the language since its first version is Anders Hejlsberg (creator of Turbo Pascal and architect of Delphi). The goal of C# is to provide a simple, safe, modern, object-oriented, Internet-centric, high-performance language for .NET development.
    C# was first announced in July 2000 with the announcement of the .NET platform by Microsoft. It was released in January 2002 with .NET framework 1.0. C# was first called “Cool” which stood for "C-like Object Oriented Language”.
    C# is a strongly typed object-oriented language whose code visually resembles C++ (and Java). This decision by the C# language designers allows C++ developers to easily leverage their knowledge to quickly become productive in C#. C# syntax differs from C++ in some ways, but most of the differences between these languages are semantic and behavioral, stemming from differences in the runtime environments in which they execute.

    Anders Hejlsberg

    Saturday, July 30, 2011

    What is mscorsvw.exe and why is it eating up my CPU?

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    Today, I suddenly found my system too very slow and most of the apps where hanging. When I checked the tasks manager, found that “mscorsvw.exe” was consuming more than 50% of the processor while my anti-virus was consuming another 30%+ which was making my system to become very sluggish.

    The first thing that came to my mind when I saw anti-virus software consuming so much was that “mscorsvw.exe might be some virus” which somehow entered my system and anti-virus was trying to clean it up. But this thing went on for more than 15 min which made me worried. Did not want to find myself in the situation where I lose all my data. That is when I tried to do some research and to my surprise, the mscorsvw.exe was a tool that comes with .net framework and anti-virus was also processing to check that the output from this file.

    Monday, July 25, 2011

    is not a valid Win32 application. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800700C1)

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    Today I faced a very strange problem. While working on my project, at one point where my code was calling a method from the same class I got this error.

    is not a valid Win32 application. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800700C1)

    I can say confidently that I took this project from another development and there the code executed without any issues. Here, when I tried to call a particular method, without even entering the method, it used to throw the above error.

    Wednesday, July 20, 2011

    SQL Server: Remove trailing Zeros in a number

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    I faced this problem in one of my projects where I had to remove the trailing zeros from the data that I received from the database before presenting it to the user. In my case, the database was designed to store numeric value with 20 digits to the right of the decimal and most of the time it used be zeros. While I could not use the round() or any other method since I had to display the values exactly, but not if they were zeros. Consider the below example:

    Sunday, July 17, 2011

    How-To: Using BindingNavigator & BindingSource

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    How to - Steps to complete the exercise:

    You can see this How-To article in action in this video:

    • First we Create a Windows Form.
    • Then we add BindingNavigator & Other Controls onto the form.
    • We follow it with Creating a Data Source using Data Source Configuration Wizard.
    • Finally, we Bind the Controls on the form to the BindingSource.

    You can find a more details on BindingSource and BindingNavigator on our Blog. Please feel free to look at them for a better understanding of this article.

    We will be using Visual Studio .net 2010 for our demo.

    Creating the form with controls on them

    Open Visual Studio .net 2010, create a Windows Form project.

    Let us go ahead and add a “Windows Form” to our project. To add a form, go to the Solution Explorer, right click on the Project. From the shortcut menu that opens up, select Add and then select Windows Form. This shows up a Add New Item window. Let us give our form a Name. I will call it as “BindingNavigatorDemo.cs”. After that click on the Add button. This will add a windows form onto our project. The windows form is now ready and you can see it in the design mode on your screen.

    Now let us add some controls onto the form. In the demo, I will be working with three fields from the table “Employee” of “AdventureWorks2008” SQL Server database.

    Saturday, July 9, 2011

    Random number generation in

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    The Random class defined in the .NET Framework class library provides functionality to generate random numbers.

    The Random class constructors have two overloaded forms. It takes either no value or it takes a seed value.

    In the NoSeedRandom method below, I am using the Random object without a Seed. A Seed is a number used to calculate a starting value for the pseudo-random number sequence. If a negative number is specified, the absolute value of the number is used.

    In the next three methods, I am using the Random object first with Seed, next with Seed and Upper limit in case you want the number to be generated within the upper limit specified. And the last method with Seed and both Upper and lower limit, to make sure we get the random number within a range.

    Generating a GUID - C#

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    GUID stands for Globally Unique IDentifier. It is a string of numbers and/or letters that is unique. It is a unique identifier, that means that as per the claims by Microsoft, this ID whenever you generate, will be unique and its practically impossible to generate the same number again or being duplicated. GUIDs can be used for various purposes. You can use a GUID as a primary key in your database table in case you have many databases scattered around and you would want to sync the records

    Shortcut Keys for Microsoft Word – Do away with Mouse

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    Shortcut key


    Press Shift+Right Arrow Select text towards right
    Press Shift+ Left Arrow Select text towards left
    Press Shift +Up Arrow Select text towards up
    Press Shift +Down Arrow Select text towards down
    Press Shift+Ctrl+Arrow Select one word at a time
    Press Shift+End Select the text till the end of the line
    Press Shift+Home Select the text till the beginning of the line

    Thursday, June 30, 2011

    BindingSource object in .net

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    What is a BindingSource?

    The BindingSource component provides a layer of indirection between the underlying data source and the bound UI controls.

    Note: In computer programming, indirection is the ability to reference something using a name, reference, or container instead of the value itself.

    Instead of binding the controls directly to the data sources or collections of data objects, you instead bind the controls to a BindingSource object. By being a middle tier object between the data source and controls, the BindingSource can provide services on behalf of the data source. In Simple words, it is a broker object between your databound controls and the datasource.

    It was first introduced in .net 2.0 and is supported in all the versions till the latest being .net 4.0. It is made available through the namespace System.Windows.Forms.

    Why do I need it?

    Wednesday, June 29, 2011

    ignani > All Courses

    You can find a lot of video tutorials, Computer Training Videos, How-To Videos, Step-By-Step Video Resources, Troubleshooting Videos, Video Series on this page at

    Monday, June 27, 2011

    Ch: 002 – Create your first jQuery page – jQuery for Beginners


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    Click Here to view the Video related to this article!!! This article is a part of the series “ jQuery for Beginners ”. Click here for previous article... In this Video, let us see: Where & how to download the “jQuery library” - and also download it. Create a simple demo page -and write your first function in jQuery. Handle an event in jQuery. Add your first jQuery animation effect to the page. Use some jQuery functions. Downloading jQuery The first and foremost thing that that we will have to

    Ch: 001 – Introduction – jQuery for Beginners


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    Now a days, in the web development world, where ever you see, you here these new words “jQuery” & “HTML5”. Browsers speak about how fast they can handle these two and how complaint they are in terms of these two. In this series, let us see what is this “jQuery”.

    I can easily assume that if you are into the developer world, you would have been hearing this word “jQuery” for quite a few years now. Where ever you look, you see “jQuery this” and “jQuery that”. For the last few years or so, jQuery has become one of the most used term and has come to become favorite with web designers and developers.

    I can assume that the as and when you heard about “jQuery'’, you would have searched about it on the internet and would have found a lot of articles. But even after finding so many, it might be that you just can’t seem to learn jQuery? The reason may be that these tutorials expect you to know certain concepts or may be that the way they are presented is not easily understandable because of those alien jQuery terms used.

    Microsoft Adds Outlook features to Hotmail


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    Hotmail gets more: Microsoft Adds Features of Outlook, Yahoo Mail & Gmail to Hotmail to make it more user friendly to all

    New Mouse & keyboard shortcuts

    You now have right-click option in your inbox. Right Click on a message and you’ll see a new menu that allows you to Reply, Reply all, Forward, Delete and a few more options that were already there for the message.So now just like in Outlook, you can get your work done even quicker than earlier.

    New keyboard shortcuts that you’re used to in Outlook, such as Ctrl+N for a new message, and Ctrl+Enter to send a message is provided.
    For those who are used to Yahoo! Mail, you have the 'N' keyboard shortcut to Create a New Mail. And if you’re from Gmail, then # can be used to delete a message.

    How to: Install SQL Server 2008 R2 (Setup)


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    The steps below will show with some pictures about installing SQL Server 2008 R2

    C Programming – Ch:001 – Introduction



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    Hello and welcome to C Programming from This course will teach you to learn how to program in C Language. We start with an introductory level for beginners and take it the advanced level.

    This tutorial is a team effort by a few individuals who have been using C as their language of development at their work places.

    We will be following the book published by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie known to C programmers as “K&R”. Though we use this book as the main reference for our tutorial, we have used various other materials shared by like-minded people on the internet, the references for them will be mentioned as and where we use as per the copyright & license.

    Bits & Bytes : Computer Programming - Ch:02 - Level 002

    Programming Level 002


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    In the previous video on Computer Programming! Level 2, I spoke about what is programming and ended it by saying that computers do not understand English or for that matter any language we humans speak. I also said that computers only understands a language of 0's and 1's.

    Now, if you have used a computer for any purpose till now, you will not agree with what I am saying isn’t it, since you have been using the computer mostly in English or any of the language you have known. You would have watched movies, listened to songs, created documents, sent e-mails, browsed a lot of sites and even you would have used our site to watch this video in one of the human readable languages. Also if you have written a program or even seen somebody doing it, you might have noticed that even they have not been using the language of 0's and 1's.

    Introduction : Computer Programming - Ch:01 - Level 002

    Programming Level 002

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    Before you jump in and start learning a programming language, it will be helpful to you if you understand what is programming and how it works, including some programming terminology.

    A computer on its own is just a useless box. It’s nothing but a bunch of different hardware items assembled into a single unit. At this point, these hardware items either together or individually are of no use. This is as good as a Car that has been assembled. Is the car of any use without fuel? In the same way, we need to provide the computer with fuel, in this case its electricity (though there existed some types of mechanical computers, here we are referring to electrical machines). A computer at this point is essentially just a big bunch of tiny electronic switches that are either on or off. Now this is as good as a Car with enough fuel and can be driven, but no driver to drive.

    Computer Fundamentals - Part 1 – Ch:1 – Level 0


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    Before starting to know what a computer is, let us look at some of the common types of devices that come to our mind when we say a, Computer:

    • Desktop Computer.
    • Laptop Computers
    • A Calculator
    • A Punching Machine

    Even a calculator that we have been using since years, a punching machine...all these are different types of computers. You will understand this when you get to know more about computers.