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Monday, November 28, 2011

Excel 2010 – Chapter 01–A–Introducing Excel 2010

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Excel is Microsoft's premier Spreadsheet software and is part of the Microsoft Office Suite. It is the world’s most widely used Spreadsheet program. Even though we have other Spreadsheet programs, Excel is by far the most popular and has become the world standard.

It’s good to know a little bit of History about excel. Excel 2010 does not mean that it’s the 2010th version. Though, this is actually Excel version 14. But to be precise, Excel 2010 is the eleventh release of Excel for Windows. In-fact the first version of Excel was only for Macintosh machines. And they did not release Excel version 6, since Microsoft felt that the changes that they made were so much that it would be appropriate to jump two version numbers. They did not release Excel version 13 being a bit superstitious of number 13 being a bad luck number.